Saturday, October 13, 2007


I will be HALF WAY this Tuesday - boy, am I excited! :)

We have The Sonogram scheduled for October 22. We've decided that if it's meant to be, we'll find out the gender. We're not going to go searching for it or outright ask them to find out, but if it's obvious, it's obvious, and if it's not, it's not. That was our best compromise, as I want to find out and Joe doesn't (and I can't keep a secret from him to save my life)... ha! So stay tuned!

Today is my first official day wearing maternity clothes. Babydoll has gone through a major growth spurt, during which she (we call her she, as "it" sounds so impersonal and she keeps slipping from our lips) - (poor thing if it's a boy, LOL!) Anyway, she discovered she has MUSCLES! Let's KICK Mom! She'll be really active for a couple hours then plop, nothing. It's like she wears herself out and then is off to snooze. :)

Here's some of my 19 week shots. Definitely looking chubby! Whoa! :)


deltasierra said...

Isn't that the COOLEST feeling?! Sometimes kind of annoying, when it's your [full] bladder Baby is dancing on, but it's still such a neat experience. :) My husband has taken to talking to my belly: "C'mon, Baby! Time to do calisthenics! Jumping jacks! One, two, three, ONE, one, two, three, TWO ..." That's what I get for having a Soldier for a husband. ;)

We don't have the ultrasound scheduled yet – I just got all our health care stuff figured out – but I should by the end of the week. I'm so excited! :D

Great pics! I guess I should get around to taking some of my own ... I plumped out really fast, and have been looking pregnant since week 12. Now, I'm looking like I'm farther than halfway, but at least the belly is rounding out. Pictures won't be so bad now. :)

WordGirl said...


I too have finally bought maternity clothing, but mostly because I was getting tired of wearing all my old stuff. I can still wear almost all my pants, but find myself needing to unbutton the top button. But that top button creates just enough pressure in the right place to be uncomfortable enough for me to have gone ahead and splurged on some maternity jeans and dress pants.

And the maternity shirts and blouses are just plain ol' COMFY! And pretty too. Motherhood Maternity has been the best discovery ever! All their stuff is so cheap!

And gymnastics are also not confined to just your lil' mama-belly. I think my son has taken up kung fu!