Thursday, August 23, 2007

Twelve weeks, still not really showing...

The SECOND TRIMESTER hit this past Tuesday... now I neither feel NOR look pregnant. *sheesh* ... LOL!


Monnie said...

Don't worry... you'll show plenty soon enough! :)

brick said...

(you'd think I'd be showing, anyway, since the due date changed! LOL!)

WordGirl said...

OHHHH, it'll happen overnight -- TRUST ME! I went from the same attitude you're having to "OH MY GOD! WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A KING KONG BABY AT THIS RATE!!!!"

My lil' bump just went *POP!* about two days ago (I'll be 13 weeks tomorrow). Since I've only gained two pounds since I got pregnant, I'm pretty sure it's not my eating habits. I'm like you though, I still don't "feel" pregnant. Especially now that my energy is back and my appetite has settled down a little.