Monday, August 6, 2007

A Slow Year - and, ahem, a dog

So after much thought, albeit in a rather short amount of time, I have decided to take the plunge. Er, pledge. Find me a patch, people, I'm going in for a no-shopping spree. That's it: no malls, no restaurants, no boutique splurges, no ready made food, etc. We'll be focusing on local vendors and the purchase of things which are of the most necessity.

It is thanks to a new-found friend (though I have read and lurked 'round her blog for awhile now) at These Days in French Life. Please do check out her phenomenal ideas and boundless energy. :)

Meanwhile, we purchased our last splurge-y deal. 'Course, I'm not really sure which category this really falls under, as I've been needing companionship during the day while Joe's at work, but I don't want to simply excuse it as "necessity", thereby allowing other boundary-pushing items into our life...

Here's our nine week old Australian Blue Heeler mix that we found at the Humane Society. Welcome, Button! :)


Monnie said...

She's so cute!

And BRAVO for taking the plunge/pledge/patch! ;) :)

danielle said...

Hi there! You left a comment on my blog and I'm not sure if I ever commented back? Anyhow, so glad to hear that you're a first timer and that things are going well for you. And, congrats on the new puppy! She's adorable and I'm sure will be loads of fun for you and your newly expanding family!

- Danielle